
It covers the five level of administrative boundary. • India • State and Union territory • District Boundary • Sub-district Boundary • Grampanchayat

Municipal Spatial Data

This includes the data related to the ward details and zonal details along with their locations.

Administrative Boundaries
The following datasets are dedicated to various boundaries across the globe including: country borders along with attributes like country codes, area and populations, timezone areas, protected areas, internal administrative boundaries and more.
Building and Roads
The following datasets consist of mostly vector data like points of interest, buildings, roads with their respective names, ferry routes, also including complex data like time travel to nearest majority across the globe,large numbers of routes between airports.
The elevation of a geographic location is its height above or below a fixed reference point. Elevation data are sets of elevation measurements for locations distributed over the land surface.This dataset includes global elevation data from different satellites and of different spatial resolutions used for specific purpose.
Environmental Boundaries
It contains World Spatial Database on protected areas. Protected areas are internationally recognized as major tools in conserving species and ecosystems. It provides access to natural statistics for every country and territory classified under the UN Environment Regions. It is used for ecological gap analysis, environmental impact analysis and is increasingly used for private sector decision-making.
Consist of different types of general datasets including; raster files of land containing information like hypsometric tints, land-covers, administration boundaries, topographic elements like slope, elevation also vector files of features like coastlines, rivers, lakes, glaciated areas.
The database will consist of several vector files having outlines of major watersheds across the world, about 1-km resolution data of environment including freshwater ecosystem, climate, soil, geology, land-cover.
Lakes, oceans and other water sources
It has a global level datasets regarding chlorophyll concentration, coastal water quality, dams. Raster data is available for download in ESRI GRID and GeoTiff Format. The data is derived from NASA'S Sea viewing wide field of view sensor (SeaWiFs).
Land Use and Land Cover
It has an access to the database related to global land cover, urban areas, agricultural lands, navigable rivers, tree cover information with different spatial resolutions and from various time frames.
Natural Disasters
This database helps identify the different types of disasters that are most common in a given country and that have had significant impacts on human. It includes data regarding various natural disaster hazards, KML files of all earthquake recorded, location information of tsunami sources and a wide range of geographic data on natural disasters.
Data as well as statistics are important for people interested in obtaining detailed data of population projections for analytical purpose.This set of data includes High-resolution, contemporary data on population and Maps showing Global Urban Extent at 500m resolution.
Data as well as statistics are important for people interested in obtaining detailed data of population projections for analytical purpose.This set of data includes High-resolution, contemporary data on population and Maps showing Global Urban Extent at 500m resolution.

Survey of India started nakshe(मानचित्र) portal on 10 janury 2017 through which it offers indian citizens free maps in pdf format. These maps are available at the scale of 1:50000

India and Pakistan 1:250,000
Series U502, U.S. Army Map Service, 1955